3 ways to sustain and match workouts to your menstrual cycle

We’ve all been there…

We get excited or motivated about a new favourite movement practice, and then 3 weeks (ahem 2 days) in are too tired and drained to keep the momentum going. To keep things sustainable we can:

  1. Graciously take in all the sleep-ins and rest days during late PMS and the days of our Period.

  2. Get in all the fun new classes during Pre-Ovulation & Ovulation

  3. Plan to do a movement practice that helps us easily release anything no longer serving us during PMS

In solidarity :)

Dr. Taq Kaur Bhandal

Hi & Sat Sri Akal, I’m ਤਕਦੀਰ ਕੌਰ Dr. Taq Kaur Bhandal, the CEO of I’m With Periods. To learn from me, enroll in my online courses for women and our boyfriends or get a copy of my book Self-Care Down There. I am physically based in Halifax, Nova Scotia on Mi’kmaq Treaty Territories. I was born and raised on the west coast of Canada close to Vancouver, British Columbia. My ancestors and family are from the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. I’m passionate about long walks in the forest with my fiancé and dog, and reading rom-coms in the bath.