Fertility Awareness Method

Fertility Awareness Method

From my view, the first step in living our most abundant life is figuring out what the fork our Mahwari (Menstrual) Cycles are up to.  For folks who are closer to the female side of the sex spectrum, our body tells us exactly which Season of Mahwari Cycles we are in every day using 3 signs:

1. Basal Body Temperature: During Mahwari Winter (Period) and Spring (Pre-Ovulation) our internal temperatures are low.  During Mahwari Summer (Ovulation) it goes up and stays high during Mahwari Autumn (PMS) until our next period.  

2. Cervical Fluid: We experience fluid coming out of our yoni (vagina) through and from our cervix in each of the 4 Seasons of Mahwari Cycles.  During, periods there is a mix of blood and water.  Pre-ovulation and Ovulation there is watery, creamy, and/or eggwhite-like fluid.  In PMS, it is usually drier.

Cervical Fluid one of the most obvious signs for me (and my underwear!). 

3. Cervical Position (Optional): We can actually feel our cervix move positions throughout our Mahwari Cycle by inserting our finger inside our yoni during a shower. I know I know, stay with me here.  You'll feel a lump with a small opening in it. 

Our cervix is the entrance of our uterus.  These amazing organs are incredibly smart, and move around from one period to the next! During periods and PMS, the cervix is closed, hard like a nose, and higher up.  During pre-ovulation and ovulation, the cervix is open, soft like lips, and lower down.  The cervical opening and our yonis remind me of how the moon and Earth spin together and apart.

Cervical position as a sign of Mahwari Cycles is totally optional to observe depending on your own capacity, comfortability, and trauma trigger points.  When I first learned to use the Fertility Awareness Method I was so into cervical position and the agency to know what was going on down there! Now I check once every 6 cycles or so.

Let me know how it goes gal and if you need any additional support.

With love,


Hi & Sat Sri Akal, I’m ਤਕਦੀਰ ਕੌਰ Dr. Taq Kaur Bhandal, the CEO of I’m With Periods. To learn from me, enroll in my online courses for women and our boyfriends or get a copy of my book Self-Care Down There. I am physically based in Halifax, Nova Scotia on Mi’kmaq Treaty Territories. I was born and raised on the west coast of Canada close to Vancouver, British Columbia. My ancestors and family are from the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. I’m passionate about long walks in the forest with my fiancé and dog, and reading rom-coms in the bath.